Games for Maths
Making Maths easier with Snakes and Ladders, Top Trumps and learning cards, print and digital.
Branding design
This image shows the use of Avenir which appears on all covers and marketing collateral which is produced by an in-house marketing designer.
Branding design
Each subject has it’s own splash image and colour selection, chosen to complement the colours in the splash. This is the colour selection for GCSE. There is also a colour palette for A Level.
Branding design
The following pages show examples of the branding documents that I have curated with the marketing team for UK Education during 2014.
The brief was to complete a dynamic and unique branding that would be applied to all marketing collateral including exhibition standards, website, business cards, leaflets and banners. The development work sought feedback from a wide range of students and teachers across the country and paid attention to typography and the competition.
The splash also appears on the covers of selected student books and all teaching material to reinforce the UK Education identity. Avenir is the selected typeface and this used in our printed material.
I have worked on teams to develop branding at Archant (applying branding theories to magazine relaunches) and as a design contractor for United Parcel Service, BBC and charities.
Top Trumps
Working with the events and communications team to produce a set of Top Trump cards to promote the relaunch of Cambridge Schools Shakespeare. These cards were distributed to GCSE English students and link to the website.